Model Details

Model Information
Model:High Discretion External Manager AUD
Platform:Mason Stevens
Description:The HNW High Discretion External Manager SMA is essentially a Multi Manager SMA that provides a mix of professionally constructed and managed diversified portfolios covering all asset classes including Australian and international equity, property, fixed interest and cash. HNW constructs the portfolio mix using a combination of active External Investment Managers. Unit trusts (managed funds) are typically used to gain investment exposures. HNW will seek to negotiate fee rebates and to access institutional (professional series) discounts whenever possible as an effective means of enhancing returns. The various multi asset class portfolios employ top down strategic asset allocation processes with investment objectives designed to partly protect investor capital through having the ability to adjust to the ever-changing macro-economic conditions. They are able to tilt from over/under weight defensive components in volatile markets through to over/under weight high growth aggressive portfolios. External investment managers are selected by HNW based on their processes and ability to manage funds efficiently. HNW may change the managers in the High Discretion External Manager SMA at its discretion. Investment Strategy The Investment strategy for the High Discretion External Manager SMA is based around Dynamic Trading Strategies (DTS) that give the External Investment Managers a high level of discretion to meet constant return objectives. The High Discretion External Manager SMA is designed to combine differing investment styles with a 50% Growth and 50% Defensive asset allocation mix. DTS involves the automatic management of an underlying component portfolio in accordance with a predefined strategy. The asset allocation will therefore change pursuant to the relevant DTS deployed by the underlying External Investment Managers over the economic cycle.
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Product Information

Product Code Product Name Product Description Download
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