Model Details

Model Information
Model:Netwealth Model Portfolio - with Managed Model = 100%
Description:This Model Portfolio is made up 100% of the HNW Managed Model. It is likely to be used for special purpose advice to complement other broader strategic advice provided separately.
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HNW-MM HNW Australian Equity for Super Direct Australian shares selected for their potential to deliver a stable, tax efficient income stream and long-term capital growth.
Change is a key influence of company and stock price performance and its impacts are often mispriced by equity markets. HNW seeks to identify the nature, timing and impact of change and looks to invest in companies that display innovation, adaptability and a sustainable competitive advantage, which are most likely to perform well over the long term. Change translates to a potential equity investment opportunity in the following ways:
Change is constant – Tactical/cyclical impacts can result in short sharp changes which impact drivers and sensitivities of a company’s operations and in turn feed into short term earnings revisions;
Change is persistent – Change is often structural resulting in change in company valuations which are realised gradually over a long period of time; and Change is important at every level, that is:
  • macro-economic changes such as changes to technology and demographics;
  • industry level changes such as changes to pricing power, competition and regulation; and
  • micro level changes such as changes to company leverage, research and development and management.